Mutual Business Agreement

A mutual business agreement, also known as a joint venture agreement or mutual cooperation agreement, is just a contract memorializing the arrangement between two parties who are working together for a common purpose. Because the type of business venture being pursued will vary, mutual business agreements will also vary. However, most mutual business agreements will contain similar items, such as a mutual release and a mutual nondisclosure agreement.

Contract Basics

To be enforceable, a legally binding mutual business contract must contain consideration, an offer and acceptance, a legal purpose, capable parties and mutual assent. Consideration refers to the idea that the parties must be exchanging something of value. In other words, a contact cannot simply bind one party without the other party providing some type of payment or service. To be considered capable, the parties must be at least 18 years old and of sound mind. Mutual assent just means that both parties must agree to and understand the terms of the contract.

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Business Basics

A mutual business agreement should state the names and addresses of the parties, when the agreement will start, the term of the agreement and a basic description of how the companies will work together. For example, a mutual business agreement might state, "Company XYZ shall regularly provide customer referrals to Company ABC. In exchange for each successful referral, Company ABC shall pay company XYZ the sum of $3,000." Additionally, a mutual business agreement should contemplate how the parties can terminate the agreement and what type of notice is required for termination.

Nondisclosure Agreement

If the parties entering a mutual business agreement intend to share sensitive information such as customer lists, business know-how, supplier lists or trade secrets, a nondisclosure clause should be incorporated into the mutual business agreement. This clause should set out what information will be deemed confidential, who will have access to that information, how the information can be used and how it will be treated after the agreement is terminated. A nondisclosure agreement should state the consequences of inadvertent or deliberate disclosures of confidential information.

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Mutual Release

The parties may also considering adding a mutual release clause to their business agreement depending on the circumstances. A release clause is basically just a promise not to sue. A well-drafted mutual release clause should establish what types of claims the companies agree not to sue over and what type of claims are considered proper for legal action. For example, the companies may agree to release each other from any claims related to third parties but agree that they may sue each other for breach of contract based on the terms of the mutual business agreement.


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